back pain

Common Pregnancy Pains Alleviated At Active Life Chiropractic

Common Pregnancy Pains Alleviated At Active Life Chiropractic

Hey there, beautiful mom-to-be! First off, congratulations on this incredible journey you're embarking on. Pregnancy is a miraculous time, but let's be real—it can also be downright uncomfortable. From backaches to swollen feet, the joys of pregnancy often come with some aches and pains. But what if we told you that relief is just a chiropractic session away?

Oh, My Aching Back!

As much as we love our hobbies, they can often cause unwanted back pain. Whether you’re swinging golf clubs or weeding the garden, popular sports and activities can take a toll on our backs. Even day-to-day activities, like lifting heavy groceries or carrying a large load of laundry can be the cause of back pain.

Every year, millions of people suffer from back pain. Although most is acute or short term and lasts no longer than a few days or weeks, some types of back pain can be chronic, lasting longer than three months.

What's Really Causing Your Back Pain?

When you experience back pain, it is far from enjoyable. While no one likes to feel that pain, it is actually very common. Nearly every adult around the world has felt back pain at some point in his or her life. It is surprising to learn that in many cases, back pain doesn’t actually start in your back.

So, what is the source of the pain if it doesn’t start in your back? We’ve put together a few options of what could be the cause of your back pain.