Active Life Chiropractic

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I Just Love Coming Here!

Before coming to Active Life, I had low back and neck issues that were the results of sleeping on a bad mattress and being involved in a car accident. These pains kept compounding until finally they were so bad that I could barely walk or bend down to brush my teeth or tie my shoes. I decided it was time to finally try chiropractic. That was five years ago. I still come in monthly to maintain my spinal health and I just love coming here! I really look forward to the days that I have appointments scheduled. Dr. Sara and Dr. Doug have helped me so much with their adjustments and health advice. Currently, I am having problems with major weakness in my arm that has really interfered with a passion of mine- lifting weights. Before getting adjusted I cannot even lift my right arm, but after Dr. Sara adjusts it I have full range of motion.

-Nick E.